We have temporarily suspended our on campus classes at Different Directions until the Covid-19 scare is over. Join us on Zoom for a full schedule of classes online.
I have lived through some things in my life and here in NYC, we are no stranger to city wide trauma, this is something not to be taken lightly or without respect. Thankfully I have not heard of anyone in our community having the virus or knowingly being exposed. With that being said, I pray the steps we are taking to stay home and avoid unnecessary contact, will keep those we love safe. This too will be a memory someday. We will be back, gathering in our cozy space, watching our beautiful children be amazing in a few weeks. Erynn and I are looking at this as an extended spring break. Our break will start Monday March 16th and we hope to return to our space Monday April 20th.
The teachers and organizers here at DD have been working diligently to come up with a plan that will soften the impact. Each teacher is also adjusting their classes to accommodate our new normal with creativity, grace and I dare say some cool activities.
We will be offering two options for teachers to present to their families for the 2020 spring term.
Option 1: Teachers who can move their class online will start their spring term on the original start date and hold the first 2 or 3 classes on line until we move back to our space at 339 W. 47th St., at which time classes will resume live and in person.
Option 2: For classes that don't lend themselves to the virtual classroom, teachers will offer a shortened spring term.
Details will be sent to you by the teachers.